Pittsburgh PA Area (PTO and nearby offices)
This chapter is organized by Mary Cozma (PTODigitalEquipment@gmail.com), who ran a successful reunion on October 1, 2022. 71
ex-DECcies enjoyed a fantastic luncheon and afternoon, reminiscing with
former DECcie friends and co-workers. Congrats to Mary Cozma for
organizing and doing such a fantastic job. Love the cake (and the 2
Digital sweaters)!
The first Reunion party was held on December 9, 2010
at the Wheel House Sports Bar (inside the Rivers Casino. Somewhere
between 60 and 70 DECcies and guests attended! A good time was of
course had by all, as you can see. Organized by Bill Costello and Mary Cozma, with photos by Bruce Feldman.
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